Webinar Series: Status of Forests and Forestry in California

Tentative dates: early 2016

Every five years the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Forest Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) prepares a report detailing the conditions in California’s forest and range ecosystems and working landscapes. This webinar series is planned in part to present some of the information gathered during the process of preparing the report that will be published in early 2016. Additional information relevant to forests and the forest industry in California will also be covered. Topics will include:

  • California’s forest inventory: description of the forest resources in the state with emphasis on commercial forest types
  • Ownership patterns in California forests: public and private forest ownership including National Forests, other public forests, industrial forest land and non-industrial forest land
  • Timber management and production: timber production trends over the past 15 years including levels of harvest, harvesting methods and numbers and sizes of Timber Harvest Plans
  • Regulatory initiatives affecting forest management: Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans, Program Environmental Impact Reports, Sustained Yield regulations, Habitat Conservation Plans and Natural Community Conservation Plans
  • Third party certification of forest management: forest lands certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, Sustainable Forestry Initiative and Tree Farm System including a discussion of forests certified by the Air Resources Board as compliance offset projects
  • Status of the forest industry: trends in forest products, existing mills, employment in timber harvesting and wood products manufacturing
  • Cost share and technical assistance programs available to forest landowners: historic levels of funding and projects implemented under cost share programs administered by CAL FIRE and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), new programs authorized pursuant to AB 32 and SB 1492, technical assistance available from CAL FIRE, NRCS and other public and private entities
  • Threats affecting California forests: wildfire impacts and risks, mortality due to prolonged drought, insects and diseases, potential impacts of climate change
  • Other topics as suggested by the public, agency personnel and forest managers

Presenters will include authors of the upcoming assessment, resource agency executives, forest managers and representatives of the forest industry.

The University of California Cooperative Extension will host the webinar series. All presentations will be recorded and posted at the University of California Forest Research and Outreach Website for viewing at later dates. Attendance at the webinar series is free and open to all.

The series is tentatively planned for early 2016. At the present time, ideas on topics and presenters are being solicited along with potential co-sponsors of the series. Co-sponsorship entails no financial commitment.

For more information or to offer suggestions Contact: Dr. Richard R. Harris, rrharrisconsulting@gmail.com, 707.685.5508.

Sponsored by: Northern California Society of American Foresters, University of California Cooperative Extension, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Partially funded by a grant to the Northern California Society of American Foresters from the USDA Forest Service, State & Private Forestry Forest Stewardship Program.