California SAF’s Kathleen Burr!

Kathleen Burr is now the California Society of American Foresters’ Chief Executive Officer. A short biography for Kathleen as follows:

Kathleen Burr

Kathleen has worked in the non-profit sector for close to 20 years.  Currently, she is the Program Coordinator for the Forest Vegetation Management Conference that is held every January in Anderson and is the Executive Director for the California Licensed Foresters Association for the last seven years.  One of her fondest memories of her career is holding a farm day at the Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles when she was Executive Director with the Los Angeles County Farm Bureau.  Working with the Mission and the Los Angeles Ag Commissioner’s office, “We took every farm animal down to skid row and bussed in children from several local schools.  Many of those children lived at the Mission and had never touched a horse, seen a pig up close, held a baby bunny or chick before”!  She also arranged for the local farmers to donate truckloads of potatoes, carrots, and onions to the Mission.

Being awarded the position of CEO with California SAF Kathleen hopes to bring more collaboration between SAF & CLFA – something her CLFA Board has discussed in the past.  Agriculture and forestry have always been important to Kathleen as evidenced by her career path.   Kathleen lives on a small ranch in Acton.  She shows and raises cutting horses – making the world finals twice in the last seven years.

From Kathleen, “I am very excited about this position and look forward to working with the California SAF Board”.