Mark T. Smith, United States Forest Service, Retired


Index to Interview Questions:

00:15 –  Please provide some of your background and tell us how you became interested in forestry as a career.

00:54 –  Please describe some of the jobs and experiences that encompass your 42 year career with the US Forest Service.

1:45 –  Please provide a general description of the dynamics leading to the extensive tree mortality in the southern Sierra.

06:08 –  As a silviculturist, do you see any alternatives or mitigation to lessen the impact of the southern Sierra tree mortality?

11:57 –  Is tree mortality much different than at higher elevations,e.g. above 5,000 – 6,000 feet?

14:42 –  If the strategies you mentioned were applied, what kind of effect do you think they would have?

15:54 –  Assuming a successful fire suppression strategy, what elements would be necessary to keep these stressed forests sustainable and diverse?

17:48 –  Did forest research enhance your career? What about technology changes?

22:17 – Provide some insight into budgeting challenges you have faced in the
National Forest System.

27:47 –  What do you see as the greatest challenge for the forestry profession going forward, especially in California?

29:20 –  How has collaboration played a role in your career? Do you have examples of success and failure?

46:44 –  Please explain some of the management techniques you have found useful.

52:36 – What advice would you have for a  young person considering a career in forestry or natural resource management?

53:52 – What do you see as the future of forestry and natural resource management, especially in California?

54:22 – In a perfect world, what would be
your vision of an ideal forest?

54:50 – Tell us why membership in SAF has been important to you. How can SAF stay relevant going forward?