Chapter Updates – HSU Student Chapter

HSU Student Chapter members ready for the Quiz Bowl at the 2015 SAF National Convention.
HSU Student Chapter members ready for the Quiz Bowl at the 2015 SAF National Convention.
HSU Student Chapter members ready for the Quiz Bowl at the 2015 SAF National Convention.

Ten students from Humboldt State University’s SAF student club attended the 2015 SAF Convention in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The students enthusiastically participated in many of the conference events. The group included the Quiz Bowl team, who competed in loud Hawaiian shirts. They also fielded a team for the geocaching competition.

Three students, Elektra Mathews-Novelli, Daniel Kidwell and Karl Peterson, received scholarships as Diversity Scholars, representing HSU at multiple Diversity Scholars events. Elektra also participated in the education plenary on Tuesday, November 3, providing a student’s perspective on forestry education to an audience of several hundred. Students Frank Heide and Corey Humphrey presented a poster on the politics of the biomass industry in California.

The group rounded out the trip to Baton Rouge with sightseeing in New Orleans. Malia Ortiz, SAF student chapter president, said, “My experience at the conference was eye-opening. I got to travel to a totally unknown place. I learned about forestry in other parts of the U.S., but also the cultural heritage of the South.”