High Sierra Chapter Update

SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Patrick Emmert SCE Forester shows students about tree growth and annual rings in tree cross sections. (Catchpole Photo)
SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Patrick Emmert SCE Forester shows students about tree growth and annual rings in tree cross sections. (Catchpole Photo)

Since the last report the High Sierra Chapter members have been busy with meetings, Scholarship fundraiser and field work dealing with the disastrous drought and pine die off from beetles. During the last few months the chapter has been involved with special events, chapter dinner meetings will resume in the fall.

Science Days at Shaver Lake, CA, May and June 2016.  Several members of the High Sierra Chapter of the Society of American Foresters gave presentations at two SCE Forestry Department sponsored two “Science Days.” SCE’s Camp Edison area and the Central Sierra Historical Society Museum at Shaver Lake were used as an outdoor classroom for local elementary schools on May 20 and June 3. Science Days were coordinated by Wildlife Biologist, Steve Byrd from the Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Forestry Staff at Shaver Lake. The overall theme each week was “The Forest.”

SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Don Dukleth, SCE Forester shows students about how the bark beetle kills ponderosa pine trees. (Catchpole Photo)
SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Don Dukleth, SCE Forester shows students about how the bark beetle kills ponderosa pine trees. (Catchpole Photo)

The students arrived in buses at 9:30 to 9:45 am and returned at about 1:30 pm. The largest attendance was on Friday, May 20, when around 500 students first through sixth grades plus parent volunteers arrived from the Foothill Elementary School. On Friday, June 3, about 220 K through eighth grades plus parent volunteers from Pine Ridge and Big Creek Elementary attended.

The students were divided up into class groups and assigned a Group Leader. They walked around to from eight to twelve learning stations located in and around the Museum. Specialists at each station taught the students a different “Forest” related topic. Over the two weeks there were different specialists on some of the learning stations. At lunch time the students enjoyed a bag lunch on the museum grounds.

The group tour guides included volunteers from the Shaver Lake Volunteer Organization, private individuals and SCE employees.

SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Diane Savin-Dukleth, USFS Forester shows students about how the bark beetle kills ponderosa pine trees. (Catchpole Photo)
SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Diane Savin-Dukleth, USFS Forester shows students about how the bark beetle kills ponderosa pine trees. (Catchpole Photo)

The learning stations and instructors included: “CAL FIRE Engine 4362” was staffed by crew members and members from Pine Ridge Volunteer FD teaching how the engines can be used to control forest fires and prescribed fire. Fire Safe Council staff members had a diorama depicting how to make defensible space around homes.

At the “Thinning” station SCE Forestry staff took the sixth to eighth graders out to do an actual thinning of trees on June 3 only.

Michele Gilmore and assistants from UC Merced talked about “How trees grow and transpire” using creative a skit with the students.

At the “tree rings and bark beetles” station, SAF members, Don Dukleth, SCE and Diane Savin-Dukleth,USFS, showed students how the bark beetles kill trees by cutting into rounds of dead insect killed trees.

At the “Tree Game and Wood Products Production” station Thomas Catchpole, from SAF and “The Forest Foundation” demonstrated, using a skit, how the forest trees compete with each other and factors that contributed to the pine mortality.

SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Ryan Stewart SCE Forester talks to students about early harvesting equipment and steam donkeys. (Catchpole Photo)
SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Ryan Stewart SCE Forester talks to students about early harvesting equipment and steam donkeys. (Catchpole Photo)

Other learning stations included: Water Cycle / Water Quality; Reforestation and tree nurseries; Plant Powered Power Plants; Wildlife in Dead Trees; Pollinators and Seed Dispersal plus many other great stations staffed by volunteers from SAF, SCE, USFS and private individuals.

The students received a fun and well-rounded science lesson in what make up a “Forest”and the factors behind the extensive pine tree die off.  This annual Science Day event was coordinated by Wildlife Biologist, Steve Byrd from the Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Forestry Staff at Shaver Lake.


SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Thomas Catchpole Retired USFS Forester/ Talk About Trees talks to students about fire ecology and wood products. (Catchpole Photo)
SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Thomas Catchpole Retired USFS Forester/ Talk About Trees talks to students about fire ecology and wood products. (Catchpole Photo)


SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Thomas Catchpole Retired USFS Forester/ Talk About Trees talks to students about fire ecology, tree spacing, insect epidemics and wood products. (Catchpole Photo)
SCE’s Science Days were held near Camp Edison at Shaver Lake two times this year. Chapter member Thomas Catchpole Retired USFS Forester/ Talk About Trees talks to students about fire ecology, tree spacing, insect epidemics and wood products. (Catchpole Photo)

Forestry Institute for Teachers (FIT) 2016: The High Sierra Chapter Education Chairman, Thomas Catchpole was on the FIT Staff again for all three FIT sessions which took up most of May for preparation of teacher kits and three weeks in June and July.

Chapter Facebook Group:  Check this out! The High Sierra Chapter has a Facebook group it is linked to the National SAF page and the NorCal SAF website. The page can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/HighSierraSAF

26th Annual Forest Conservation Days 2016- will be on September 26 to 30, 2016 at Sequoia Lake YMCA Camp.  Help is needed in all aspects for Forest Conservation Days at its new Sequoia Lake location! Diane Savin-Dukleth is the main coordinator. We are planning on over 1200 students from the greater Fresno area. Help is need at all levels including: school contacts, volunteer recruitment, lunch making set up, tour guides, staffing stations and greeting school buses. This year FCD T-shirts are being made so turn in your Volunteer Form early so we will know what sizes of shirts to order. Thanks again to all the volunteers that helped in 2014! For FCD info go to: Don and Diane at 559-841-3309 HM or 559-250-6752 fcdschool@netptc.net or Thomas W. Catchpole, 559-855-2194 or treecookies@netptc.net

High Sierra Chapter SAF Members Host and Assist With SAF Centennial Conference: Members of the High Sierra Chapter, SAF hosted and helped with the logistics of putting on the 2016 Summer Conference – California SAF Centennial Celebration Thursday and Friday, August 25 and 26 at the Chukchansi Gold Resort near Coarsegold, CA. Student SAF Chapter members from Reedley College also played a major role in the success of this important meeting.

Reedley College Student Chapter Update

reedleylogoReedley College has just started the fall semester and the SAF Student Chapter participated in NorCal-SoCal SAF Summer Meeting 2016 in Coarsegold, CA.  James Romero, student chapter vice-chair, Nathan Barnes, Michael Pond and I enjoyed this centennial celebration of SAF in California with actor portrayals of both Gifford Pinchot and John Muir.   Reedley College forestry students will again help educate 5th graders during Forest Conservation Days at Sequoia Lake.  We will be selling coffee as a fundraiser to raise money for the High Sierra Student Scholarship.  We continue to join the High Sierra Chapter for their monthly meetings.  I plan to bring students to the NorCal-SoCal SAF 2017 Winter Meeting.

Breakfast at Chukchansi Gold Resort (l to r; Nathan Barnes, Michael Pond, Joshua Soderlund and James Romero).
Breakfast at Chukchansi Gold Resort (l to r; Nathan Barnes, Michael Pond, Joshua Soderlund and James Romero).

Sacramento-Tahoe Chapter Update


2016 State Fair Chapter Members: Back row: Jane LaBoa, Joanne Drummond, Miles Heaton, Brian Barrette, Teri Griffis, Steve Jones. Front row: Doug Wickizer. Not pictured: Rick Standiford.
2016 State Fair Chapter Members: Back row: Jane LaBoa, Joanne Drummond, Miles Heaton, Brian Barrette, Teri Griffis, Steve Jones. Front row: Doug Wickizer. Not pictured: Rick Standiford.

May 2016:  Sandra Derby presented the status of Project Learning Tree during the monthly meeting in Loomis.  Ms. Derby described how the Project Learning Tree activities encourage students to explore the natural environment, develop critical thinking skills while practicing field observations and building knowledge through this process.  She described other programs that are offered by various organizations.  She discussed building a pool of experts, including foresters that can provide the training for teachers at the workshops.

July 2016:  The Chapter members volunteered to staff the California Forest Center at the State Fair.  The volunteers included Brian Barrette, Joanne Drummond, Teri Griffis, Miles Heaton (Forest Center Manager), Rick Standiford and Doug Wickizer in the morning shift.  Gary Brittner, Donna Fuller, Steve Jones, Jon Jue and Jane LaBoa were the volunteers in the afternoon shift.  1,881 visitors came through the Forest Center on July 21, 2016.  The Forest Center had stations learn about the different products that have wood components, animal bones, cones from different species and a ponderosa pine and coastal redwood seedling give away.  Joanne Drummond coordinated the volunteers for working at the State Fair.

2016 Nevada County Fair visitors taking the forestry quiz at the Forestry Exhibit.
2016 Nevada County Fair visitors taking the forestry quiz at the Forestry Exhibit.

August 2016:  Joanne Drummond, Steve Jones and Jon Jue volunteered at the Nevada County Fair Ag-Sperience Forestry Exhibit.  This booth had a variety of displays that included logs sections for the mixed conifer species, a model of an unhealthy, overstocked forest, a model that showed proper clearance of fuels around a home and insufficient clearance, along with other displays.  There was a forestry quiz for both children 10 and under and for people 11 and older.  The chapter gave tree cookie craft kits to the children who answered the forestry quiz.  Several hundred people stopped by the Forestry Exhibit.  Joanne Drummond organized and set up this forestry exhibit.

Several members attended the 2016 Summer Meeting in Coursegold, CA.  The Chapter members in attendance included: Brian Barrette, Geri Bergen, Kevin Conway, Helge Eng, Teri Griffis, Russ Henly, Jane LaBoa, Doug Wickizer and Jon Jue.

Future Meetings

September 2016:  The chapter is planning a field trip to Boggs Mountain Demonstration Forest that was burned in last year’s fire.  The details are still being worked out with the Forest Manager.  More information will be out shortly.

A planning meeting will also be held in September 2016 to plan the future meeting speakers and locations and start nominations for the 2017 Chapter Officers.  More information will be out shortly.

Scholarship Award

Jason Henkle was awarded the Chapter’s 2016 $500 scholarship. Mr. Henkle is a forestry student at Humboldt State University.  Congratulations to Mr. Henkle.  We wish him the best in completing him education and starting his career.

Chapter members, Russ Henly, Geri Bergen, Kevin Conway, Teri Griffis, listen to Park Service Forester presentation at the Yosemite National Park, Wawona Pioneer Center. They are located just to the left of the flag pole. Russ is wearing a tan full brim hat. Geri is wearing sunglasses and a green jacket. Kevin is in the plaid short sleeve shirt and Teri is wearing an orange shirt.
Chapter members, Russ Henly, Geri Bergen, Kevin Conway, Teri Griffis, listen to Park Service Forester presentation at the Yosemite National Park, Wawona Pioneer Center. They are located just to the left of the flag pole. Russ is wearing a tan full brim hat. Geri is wearing sunglasses and a green jacket. Kevin is in the plaid short sleeve shirt and Teri is wearing an orange shirt.