New District 3 Rep on the SAF Student Executive Committee – Louis Cimmino

Hello, hello! My name is Louis Cimmino – I’m an undergraduate forestry student at UC Berkeley, and I’m so thrilled to be serving District 3 this year as its SAF Student Executive Committee representative! Originally from the northeast, I’ve been so fortunate to have experienced forests across the country – and across all of SAF’s districts! – throughout my life so far. As a student, I am most passionate about researching and studying California Indigenous ecological traditions, payment for ecosystem service programs, and the intersections of agriculture and forest management. Forestry means the world to me, so I can’t wait to begin connecting with student members across the district and country to spread the excitement!

From the website editor – The SAF Student Executive Committee (SEC), composed of 11 student members, one from each SAF voting district, enhances the engagement of student members and organizes student activities during the national convention. The chair of the SEC also represents students during the House of Society Delegates meeting and as a non-voting member of the SAF Board of Directors. Positions roll over annually with term from June 1 through May 31.

California SAF also wants to thank Emily Thyroff for her work as our former District 3 student rep. Emily’s term ended May 31st.

“A Story of Unintended Consequences”

For Immediate Release, Sacramento, CA. April 18, 2023

Foresters Cite Extreme Wildfire Impacts to Sequoia Groves, Federal Public Lands

Unveil New Policy Statements at State Forestry Board, Call for Science-Based Reforms

We’ve been loving our forests to death. We can do better. In a nutshell, those were the findings delivered this month to the California State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (BOF). Leaders of the California Society of American Foresters (Cal-SAF) brought those messages, along with two supporting forest policy papers, to the BOF during its April 5th meeting in Sacramento.

The foresters shared grim statistics on the devastating impacts of high-intensity “megafires,” attributing much of the blame to an ongoing lack of management. They said that the destructive trend was reversible. Speakers appealed for the BOF’s assistance in promoting increased public understanding of the root causes of the megafire crisis and the urgent need to respond with proven, science-based forest management solutions.

The policy statements, Sustaining native giant sequoia groves requires active, adaptive management and Forestry Solutions to California’s Wildfire Crisis are posted on the Cal-SAF website,

Appearing on behalf of Cal-SAF were Rachelle Hedges (Immediate Past Chair), Dr. Rob York (Science and Technology Chair), Bill Keye (Communications Chair) and Jane LaBoa (Secretary).  LaBoa characterized the Forestry Solutions paper as an “unprecedented and bold action” on the part of the professional society. She said, “We hope the public will restore its trust in forestry and natural resources professionals“.

The video of the event is posted on the BOF’s website at  On that page, users will click on the top posting under “April” to gain access to the webcast record. Cal-SAF’s presentation starts at 39:29 and concludes at 1:47:50.

For More Information, or to arrange for interviews, contact:
Bill Keye, Cal SAF Communications Chair,, (530) 355-0670.

The California Society of American Foresters

Cal-SAF is a State Society of the Society of American Foresters (SAF). SAF is a professional association with headquarters in Washington, DC. The Society is organized across the United States and Canada, serving as an accreditation and research body representing all segments of the forestry profession; including public and private practitioners, administrators, educators, and forestry students. SAF governs a majority of the political and scientific topics at the national level, which allows each jurisdiction to represent itself independently, guided by SAF’s Mission and Code of Ethics.

Foresters to Debut Sweeping New Policy Statements Before State Board

Speakers will call for paradigm shift to “starve” megafires, save Giant Sequoia

For Immediate Release                                                                                        Sacramento, CA April 3, 2023

Members of the California Society of American Foresters (Cal-SAF) are coming to Sacramento on Wednesday, April 5th, to meet with the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (BOF).  They will present two new papers, “Sustaining native giant sequoia groves requires active, adaptive management, and Forestry Solutions to California’s Wildfire Crisis”.  The presentations are set to take place during the morning, beginning at approximately 10:00 AM.

Cal-SAF Chair Karin Linnen stressed that the policy statements reflect a concerted effort by Golden State natural resource professionals.  “We are losing our forests, and this absolutely doesn’t need to be happening,” Linnen stated.  “California is home to unique and precious native forests – mixed coniferous, coast redwood and Giant Sequoia.  We need to protect them for future generations.  Wildfires in our state have significantly increased in size and magnitude.    Wednesday’s presentations are a great opportunity for us to engage with state officials and to advocate for better outcomes.”

The BOF April meeting agenda, including location and webcast information, is posted at:  The Cal-SAF policy papers are posted on the Society’s website at:

For More Information Contact:

Bill Keye, Cal SAF Communications Chair,, (530) 355-0670.

The California Society of American Foresters

Cal SAF is a State Society of the Society of American Foresters (SAF). SAF is a professional association with headquarters in Washington, DC. The Society is organized across the United States and Canada, serving as an accreditation and research body representing all segments of the forestry profession; including public and private practitioners, administrators, educators, and forestry students. SAF governs a majority of the political and scientific topics at the national level, which allows each jurisdiction to represent itself independently, guided by SAF’s Mission and Code of Ethics.

Foresters Approve Sweeping Policy Reset, Promote Effort to Starve Megafires, Restore Ecosystem Balance


Sacramento, January 21, 2023

The California Society of American Foresters (Cal SAF) announces the release of a major new position statement, Forestry Solutions to California’s Wildfire Crisis, posted online at  Drawing upon the latest science, the document explains why our seasonally dry forests have become prone to catastrophic megafires, and what needs to be done to reverse the trend.  Although periodic drought and climate change are contributing factors, the paper zeroes in the cause most responsive to practical intervention: massive accumulations of highly flammable fuels.

Forestry Solutions complements Cal SAF’s recently approved Giant Sequoia Policy Statement (Sustaining native giant sequoia groves requires active, adaptive management), also posted online.

For More Information Please Contact: Bill Keye, Cal SAF Communications Chair,, (530) 355-0670.

The California Society of American Foresters

Cal SAF is a State Society of the Society of American Foresters (SAF). SAF is a professional association with headquarters in Washington, DC. The Society is organized across the United States and Canada, serving as an accreditation and research body representing all segments of the forestry profession; including public and private practitioners, administrators, educators, and forestry students. SAF governs a majority of the political and scientific topics at the national level, which allows each jurisdiction to represent itself independently, guided by SAF’s Mission and Code of Ethics.

California SAF 2023 Winter Meeting – Registration is Now Open!

2023 Forestry in the Redwoods: Growth, Reforestation & Resilience

California SAF, in partnership with Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods, is hosting the 2023 Winter SAF Meeting in the majestic redwoods of Northern California. The three-day event will highlight local forestry projects, agencies, organizations, and student activities.

Refer to the attached flyer for the agenda, registration information and details on potential lodging options and venue location. The following link will take you to the eventbrite registration page: CalSAFWinterMeeting

Foresters Promote Active, Adaptive Management to Save Threatened Giant Sequoia Trees, Protect Groves

Sacramento, October 4, 2022

The California Society of American Foresters (Cal SAF) has released a Position Statement addressing ongoing threats to the state’s iconic Big Trees. Scientists estimate that up to 20% of the largest giant sequoias have been killed by intensely hot wildfires in recent years. Arresting this deadly trend and reversing its trajectory, especially in a time of rapid climate change, are matters of intense public interest. The paper, posted online at, lays out the understandings and actions that are needed to accomplish this urgent conservation work.

The primary author of this new Cal SAF position statement is Dr. Robert “Rob” York. Dr. York is a Professor of Cooperative Extension in Forestry at U.C. Berkeley and a leading authority on forest ecology and management in California’s Sierra Nevada. He may be contacted at (530) 333-0426 or

For More Information Please Contact:
Bill Keye, Cal SAF Communications Chair,, (530) 355-0670.

The California Society of American Foresters
Cal SAF is a State Society of the Society of American Foresters (SAF). SAF is a professional association with headquarters in Washington, DC. The Society is organized across the United States and Canada, serving as an accreditation and research body representing all segments of the forestry profession; including public and private practitioners, administrators, educators, and forestry students. SAF governs a majority of the political and scientific topics at the national level, which allows each jurisdiction to represent itself independently, guided by SAF’s Mission and Code of Ethics.

California SAF Fall 2022 Newsletter

See the report out on the Summer Meeting to the Caldor Fire, what’s happening nationally at SAF from our District 3 Rep, an opinion piece from Bill Keye, information on the Redwoods Rising program on the north coast, the Forestry Challenge, and more! There is also an opportunity to take part in a survey concerning urban and community forestry in California.

Mosquito Fire Impacting UC Berkeley Blodgett Forest Research Station

[Updated 9/11/2022 at 10:30am] Berkeley Forests staff continue to monitor the progress of the Mosquito Fire on Blodgett Forest. As of the Sunday morning Cooperator Meeting, fire crews have contained much of the active fire within the bounds of Blodgett Forest. Fire behavior and weather continue to be favorable in the area, and fire line is in place across much of the fire permiter located within Blodgett Forest (as visible on this map). As winds shift to a southwesterly flow (i.e. coming out of the southwest and moving east), fire weather will continue to be favorable to moving the fire away from Blodgett Forest.

Berkeley Forests’ Research Forest Manager, Ariel Roughton, has worked dilligently with incident managers and the fire crews to ensure that the fire operations carried out at Blodgett Forest took into consideration the highly valuable research being conducted on the property. Thanks to her efforts, Berkeley Forests is hopeful that much of our existing research has been protected from fire suppression impacts (primarly dozer line).

[Updated 9/9/2022 at 11:49am] Berkeley Forests staff have confirmed with on-the-ground fire personnel that as of early morning September 9th, the Mosquito Fire is burning within the boundaries of Blodgett Forest Research Station, generally on the northwest portion of the property. Prior to the fire entering the property, all Blodgett Forest personnel were evacuated and are safe at this time.

Fire safe clearing is in place around the structures on the property in the “Headquarters” area (where buildings including the Vaux Center, A-Frame Cabins, Staff House, and others are located). Although the fire has not yet burned in this area, it will likely reach this portion of the property in the coming day. Fire personnel have indicated that structure protection is their priority at this time.

Berkeley Forests staff continue to coordinate with fire personnel with the goal of minimizing the impacts on the research plots throughout the forest. A more detailed update will be provided as additional information becomes available and Berkeley Forests staff are allowed back onto the property.

Blodgett Forest personnel are extremely busy at this time, and Berkeley Forests requests interested parties continue to check the link below for updates, rather than contacting Blodgett Forest or UC Berkeley personnel directly. Urgent inquiries can be directed to Rachelle Hedges ( or 510-664-4903.

For further updates, check

Are you practicing ecologically sensitive vegetation management in your forestry work?

A recent article might be of interest to those of you looking at invasive plants on land that you manage. Did you know there is an organization in California with a focus on wildland invasive plant management? Check out this copy of an article from the recent newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC). I have attached a short note at the end if you want to learn more about Cal-IPC and the resources they can provide the land manager with – David Bakke, CalSAF Website Editor