Tom Gaman’s Letter to the Editor

Bay Area Chapter member Tom Gaman recently wrote a letter to the editor of the Independent Journal, the Marin County daily newspaper. His letter was published March 15, 2022 and was in response to an opinion piece written by Rene Voss and Chad Hanson titled Catastrophic wildfire risk: Concerns about fuel reduction that was published in the same paper on March 5th. Tom’s letter is included here.

Western Wildfire Position Paper – Camp ’70

Camp ’70 Foresters are a group of former forestry classmates who attended the University of California Forestry summer camp near Quincy, CA in 1970 and graduated with B.S. degrees in Forestry. Our team of former classmates and professional foresters has studied, met, and discussed the western wildfire problem and presents the attached position paper with eight recommendations. Our discussion and advice will help the public understand the situation and actions to protect our forests from catastrophic wildfire. Please contact Camp ’70 Foresters for further information, comment, and discussion at The core group of authors for this paper are: Vladimir Steblina; David C Stone; Chris Conrad; Jane Haggerty Laboa; Paul Stover; Tom Gaman; and, Ronald M. Cerruti.

Forestry Institute for Teachers – 2022 Sessions Announced

The 2022 Forestry Institute for Teachers sessions and dates have been announced.  K-12 educators are invited to join forestry professionals at Tuolumne, Shasta or Humboldt Counties for a week-long workshop about forest ecology and forest resource management practices.  Work with Project Learning Tree and Project WET experts to plan and implement forest health and wildfire education activities with your students.  Dates and Sessions:  June 19-25 in Tuolumne County, July 3-9 in Shasta County, July 10-16 in Humboldt County. To learn more, or to register, visit