2021 Draft California Climate Adaptation Strategy – Available for Review – Comments Due November 24th

California is confronting the climate crisis head-on. On the heels of Governor Newsom and the Legislature’s historic $15 billion climate investment, the Newsom Administration announced today the release of the 2021 California Climate Adaptation Strategy (Strategy) draft for public input. The draft Strategy outlines the state’s key climate resilience priorities, includes specific and measurable steps, and serves as a framework for action across sectors and regions in California.

Public comments are due Wednesday, November 24th, and we look forward to hearing from you! Your input will help improve the final Strategy that will be used to direct climate resilience efforts across state government.

Please visit our 2021 California Climate Adaptation Strategy website to access the draft, learn how to send comments, and check out opportunities to share feedback in regional workshops and tribal listening sessions.
